Dennis Strom is an Adult Bible Fellowship teacher, chair of the construction building team, and has served on mission trips to Costa Rica with Living Hope.
As I sat in one of the pews upstairs and waited for the church service to begin, I marveled at the ministry going on within the sanctuary. The musicians were ensuring that their instruments were ready to play great music for us, the ushers were making sure that people had a church bulletin and a place to sit, several deacons were shaking hands and welcoming people and the ministry staff was down front talking to people who had been at the prior service. Living Hope is a place where ministry happens but a place that could provide so much more to our community.
As the service started I was touched by the baptisms of people willing to follow Christ, encouraged to learn that Living Hope is impacting people all over the world (people being baptized from Russia, China and Romania) and motivated to hear the “Titanic Opportunity” we have here at Living Hope. I want to weigh in on that “opportunity” for a few minutes… As Jason developed the illustration of people in lifeboats from the Titanic who are safe but unwilling to leave that safety to help someone else; the message for the morning was clear to me. Personally, I have been in many different countries all over the world doing short term mission projects. I enjoy them and find great fulfillment in serving in this way. As I thought about Jason’s point, I found myself being convicted about my short-sightedness. I have been walking by people everyday with the same needs as those in other countries, I have been prepared to serve on a foreign field but maybe not so inclined to share my faith or help those I know here in Bowling Green. I am very comfortable with my faith and I am not one who shuns conversations about Jesus but maybe I have not been focused on initiating those conversations. Maybe I need to share my faith differently and more purposefully? What about you ?
As the Church, Christ has called us to love God, to love each other, and to love lost people. Doing these things is what being the Church is all about. So what have we all done lately to love God? What have we done lately to love each other ? And what about those lost people? We all know someone who needs to know Christ, so what are we doing about it?
Maybe the next time you shake a hand you can envision it as an opportunity to pull someone into your lifeboat, maybe the next time you hug someone you can use it as an opportunity to introduce them to your faith and the saving grace of Christ and lastly, maybe the next time you say hello to someone in passing you can make yourself stop and spend a few minutes fellowshipping with them. Who knows what opportunity that encounter might offer you.
I agree with Jason that it is time for believers to stand up for “all” the things we believe in. That includes loving people who are lost, helping people who are in need and building those relationships that allow true Christian fellowship. You remember our call to arms here at Living Hope….. “Get to God, Grow in Christ, Give to others”.
As the church we have been sent by the Savior to carry His message……….we are to do so in our words, in our convictions and in our lives. The benefit will be ours if we impact our community for Christ’s sake. It will add to that “Abundant Life” Tim Brown spoke of this morning.
As I close I must comment on the altar call that deeply touched my heart. Does anything like people coming to the altar to pray move you to tears? It surely does for me. Seeing the call to prayer from our Pastor and the heartfelt response of our church family warmed my heart and motivated me to serve more faithfully. Going to that altar is like taking that special picture that you treasure for a lifetime. It is a memory you will never forget as you spend those few minutes with your Savior. Come on Hopers, we need to be about the work of the Church !
Dennis Strom
Dennis, you stirred my interest with the following questions, "Maybe I need to share my faith differently and more purposefully? What about you"?
I am not wishing hardship upon anyone but, we live in a nation with such abundance of wealth, food, and the attitude that our government will care for us no matter what happens.
This kind of thinking seems very similar to what our Lord Jesus foretold to the citizens of the cities found in Luke 10 and how that their prosperity was also their demise. It's hard for ears to hear when deceived by false hope in a nation blessed with richness of food and financial prosperity such as America. Now in comparison, going abroad and helping to meet the basic nutritional and medical needs of people opens their ears to the real wealth which is the eternal riches found in the Gospel of Christ Jesus. What I am saying is not news to many but, I am delighted to be personally challenged by the message from the pulpit today as to how that God would have me to respond in joining Him where He is at work. "A Titanic Opportunity" may be just around the corner and, in your neighborhood.
I agree with you (Al) about it being hard for ears to hear when things are going well for non-believers. As I'm sure you'll agree we (believers) can take advantage of the fact that Christ is the only one who provides ultimate satisfaction. No amount of money, food, or possessions can make a man as content as Christ can.
I'm a firm believer that having more equals a growing lack of content (if Christ is not the center of one's life) for anyone. We can show the peace and contentment we have in Christ to the group of people who you mentioned in your blog. Thanks for the thoughts.
Great words Dennis! Many feel "missions" is a program. Something one does when there is time. But, "missions" is actually just part of being a disciple. We are to go and make disciples - simple as that. That could happen in BG, our nation, or our world. God has blessed believers by allowing them to take part in his mission. We are to be messengers to the world with the great story of the Gospel.
Great comments, I think many believers may need to share their faith differently and more purposefully. Imagine what could happen right here in Bowling Green if we just lived the doctrine we believe in? If we were to make that change and be consistent in our walk of faith we would touch our community, and possibly the world, as never before. We do have a Titanic opportunity and it is time to take the challenge and step up.
Great comments.....We can show the peace and contentment we have in Christ to others. We can live the doctrine we believe in.
Thanks for your words of encouragement
You know my heart for missions. Yet I still need to minister, to share, to show christian love to those I encounter everyday with the same passion as I have for foreign missions.
We all need to share our faith with the passion we have for those things we hold dearest.
Thanks Jeff,
I'd like to share this with everyone. I just came back from the Preston Center at WKU having had a conversation with a man who teaches in another department. We were walking side-by-side on treadmills. I started a conversation with him that included the typical dialogue one would expect. After conversation began to flow easily, I transitioned into asking him about church. This happened rather easily and we spent some time on where he goes to church and I spoke about LHBC. Even though he wasn't a non-believer, it was good to strike this type of coversation.
I think alot of potential titanic opportunities can occur just as easily if we take the next step.
Most all of my conversations with faculty and staff at Western have been with believers. Not long after they (professors, custodians, etc) begin talking, do I find out that they also share the same love for Christ. This has built up a small prayer group for me and others at my work.
Even though I didn't know several of these people beforehand, and that they were already saved, it still felt great to share. It was edifying for both.
What a great experience! It is fulfilling to be the Church, to share our faith like you described from your visit to the Preston center. Sometimes when we try to help others into our lifeboat we will find that they already have the faith that we treasure. When that happens it is truly a great time to rejoice. Thank you for sharing that experience and encouraging us with it.
Please Remember to Pray
I-square prayer
People You Will
Invest in this Week:
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People You Will Invite this Week
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Wednesday Night Worship Prayer
Be here Wednesday to pray for all of our ABF teachers.
Upcoming Events & Activities
Be in prayer for these events:
1. This Year’s Focus: Simply Be the Church
2. Wednesday Night Worship this week.
4. Our college ministry headed to China.
Missionary or International Ministry
Be in prayer for Will and Laura Burnham serving in Southeast Asia.
Focus Nation or People Group
Be in prayer for the people in Uttarakhand. It is a state within India with over 8 million people and only 27,000 believers.
Pray for Our Sister Church
Please pray this week for State Street Baptist Church and her pastor Rev. Freddie Brown.
Value of the Week
This week meditate on this Core Value and Scripture and consider if you are experiencing and promoting it in your life.
The Transforming Power of the Gospel Romans 5:8
Thanks to all the ABF teachers who were able to come to Wednesday Night Worship last night. It was a great turn out and it was good to have the people affirm and pray for you.
Please make every effort to be at the next 3 Wednesday Night Worship services. We will be providing EVANGELISM training and inspiration. God could use this to better equip us as a congregation to take advantage of our Titanic Opportunity.
One more thought for everyone...
Let's all write a card of encouragement to Pastor Freddie Brown at State Street Baptist Church and let him know we've been praying for him and the church this week.
340 State St
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Hello Everyone,
I would like to share an experience that just happened to me a couple of hours ago. Before I begin I'd like to state that I'm not tooting my own horn. This is about standing up for what's God honoring and I hope my experience encourages others to do the same.
I'm at Preston during my lunch break and I am immediately hearing a satellite radio station playing an extremely vulgar and graphic song. There were no innuendos. The vocalist was very clear about what he wanted to say and what his intentions included. Unfortunately, this language was pervasive and highly repetitive throughout the song. Also, I knew as soon as this noise would be over another explicit "song" would compete for airtime.
As a Christian I find this music highly offensive. Additionally, in a nation were sexual harassment laws are so strong how can music like this be played in a public facility? If I chose to sing those exact same lyrics in the gym I would not be allowed to return to work the next day if at all in the future. Again, how is this allowed to happen? I'm not arguing a double standard here by any means. I'm blown away by what was allowed to occur.
To end the story, I approached one of the higher-ups at the facility and calmly told the person that I am very uncomfortable with the language and message that is being pushed with this song is offensive to me. The station was changed to a more appropriate one and the person in charge was very accommodating.
I urge everyone to make a stand while you can for what is God honoring. Even if no one else in your gym, or office, or neighborhood, or wherever seems to care about what is going on. I believe that one of these days an accommodating response will not be the reply. Instead we'll probably be hearing some form of "deal with it."
Thanks for letting me share that.
Well said and well done, Chad. If we as Christians won't stand for all we believe, then who will?
Thanks for your post and for the great service you and your family offer to the Lord here at Living Hope!
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