In the next few weeks you'll get to hear from these leaders in our church.
Thomas Weakley and His wife Laurie have been on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ for 27 years. He has been the director of the ministry at WKU since 1985. The Weakley’s have been members of LHBC for over 20 years serving in numerous capacities. Besides his responsibilities with Campus Crusade, he currently teaches an ABF class and is an adjunct professor at WKU and the Southern Baptist Theological seminary.
Jennifer Sweeney was blessed to grow up in a Christian home and come to know the Lord at the age of 12. This relationship with the Lord has been a continuing influence throughout her high school and college years, and has remained a critical part of her life since coming to Living Hope nearly 10 years ago. In those years at Living Hope she has been involved in ABF, preschool ministry and small group leadership, and has been blessed by the growth and fellowship experienced by her involvement in those ministries here at Living Hope.
Emily Cassetty has been calling Living Hope home for about twelve years. She came to know Christ as a teenager in the youth group at Living Hope and was baptized at Living Hope as well. She met her husband Matt at Living HOpe and they both dearly love raising their children within this church family. Emily has served everywhere from the church nursery to preschool to Financial Peace University in the past and currently serve in the high school ministry, with the women's ministry leadership team, and she leads a women's Bible study on Thursday evenings. Emily and Matt also adore their small group that we have been apart of for three years now. They both rejoice at how the Living Hope Body of Christ has loved them so well, given them so much, and walked alongside them through the happiest and most devastating times of their life and they are just grateful to be able to give back in any way we can!
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