Terri Hewitt is a key leader in the High School Ministry of Living Hope. She and her husband Keith have been a members of Living Hope for over twenty years. Terri has a deep love for people and a deep commitment to growing in and serving her Lord Jesus Christ.
Easter services are like funerals because the pastor gets to preach to people that rarely hear the good news of Jesus Christ. I believe that Jason knows this better than most. I pray that many of the lost made the most important decision to except salvation in Christ today. I also hope they didn’t fear their lives envisioning him with a gun shooting wild turkeys.
Jason was clear in his definition on when life begins. He also made it clear how long it takes for the world to destroy it. That’s why we have to be made alive again through Jesus Christ. Only Christ can make the dead alive. I find it amazing that when you turn to Christ for life somehow as a believer He becomes your life. Will you always do the right thing? No. Will things always go as planned? No. But you can always be sure that when you trust in God for the things He says He can do, you won’t be disappointed. The biggest problem is doing it. Jason listed the four big lies of the world: Possessions, Power, Popularity, and Pleasure. I also believe these to be a big problem because all four lies are common areas in all our lives and take control over our minds and hearts. They cause us to waste time on things that are not eternal; they take our eyes and thoughts away from our Savior.
I was at a Tennis Tournament in Louisville this weekend with my daughter Halle and the High School Tennis Team. While Halle was playing, I was on the edge of my seat watching and waiting for each point, happy if she got it and sick if she didn’t. If she won I was happy, if she lost I’d say, “You will have another chance.” While Jason was preaching today, I was thinking, if only I had the same passion for the lost as I did for a sporting event, watching and waiting for the Lord to return and take as many people as I can with me. The problem is the world can not see the winner’s trophy. Spending eternity with Jesus Christ won’t get you on the cover of a magazine or lots of money, so no-one cares. But they will, because the losers of the Eternity match won’t get another chance.
Watching the news on TV can be depressing. Like Jason said, pirates… where did they come from? I thought they were talking about a new movie coming out. Scary, but now Keith doesn’t need an excuse for never taking me on a cruise! The statement “The End is near” isn’t just a statement to me anymore. I can see it unfolding right before my eyes, now I just have to turn to Jesus and not worry about the world but focus on eternal life. I sense now more than ever the urgency to tell other about Christ. The Pinerolas were our roommates this weekend. We were talking about Christ and what we have to do in our families to hold on and stay strong in our beliefs. I told her, “You know for me to share the gospel with others it’s not that I don’t walk my talk, but that I don’t walk what I know in my heart, that God does make the dead alive and the weak strong.” I know this because He did it for me and I do know in my heart, He will do it for you too!
Terri : Well said..thanks for your commitment and passion for our high school girls...Horatio
Great Blog ..Terri. I agree. Lawrence
Thanks for the post. I also fear Jason with a gun shooting at Turkeys.
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