Sunday, August 16, 2009

Grace Community and Grattitude

I would never want to imagine life without a being part of a group of fellow believers. This morning, Rick gave his testimony about how much the choir means to him. He shared that his life is richer, and his family's life is richer because of his decision to be part of the Worship Choir. He talked about the opportunity in that group to share concerns, hurts, and victories with each other. We were created to live in community. I am thankful for my choir family and my church family.

Today, as Living Hope gathered to worship, I was struck by the strength that I gained through the unity of the congregation singing together great truths about God, Jesus, and Spirit and the Word of God. There is something very powerful about the gathering of God's people to declare praise, thanksgiving, and truths in unity. Again, in community, we not only live life together, we also gather to worship in Spirit and in Truth. What a great priviledge!

As Jason preached today, there was a strong movement of the Spirit of God among us. I consider myself gratdful person. However, I realized that a life completely given to gratitude would be a life refusing to sin against Jesus who paid the ultimate price for my sin. I also realized that my life has much room to grow in gratitude. As the Holy Spirit faithfully does, He challenged me through Jason's sermon to press on to become a person totally given to a life reflecting my thanksgiving to a loving God, Savior, and Spirit.

Benny Stofer
Worship Pastor

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