By: Todd White
Todd and his wife Robin volunteer in the children's ministry. They live in Allen county with teenage sons Sam and Will. All four are Living Hope members.
God’s Holy Spirit convicted me today through Pastor Jason’s words. I know I’m not alone. I usually keep it a secret, but let’s don’t. If God spoke to you today, tell Pastor Jason, or someone else, or leave a comment on this blog.
God convicted me today about prayer. Like you, I know the importance of prayer. And, like the Pharisees, I never miss my prayer-times. But you know, I take it for granted. Am I the only one? I throw the phrase away—“I’ll be praying for you.” Or “ya’ll be sure to pray for me.” Do you do it too? Sometimes my prayers are less like a conversation or a petition and more like a quick review of a do-to list. Just like Pastor Jason said last week about filling out my sermon sheet, sometimes I’m in a hurry to get through my prayer-time and say “That’s done. Now I can do the next thing.” How amazing that the great God Who created the universe and sustains life and engineers circumstance wants me to come to Him as His child in prayer and I take that for granted!
God reminded me today that prayer is the only real work I can do. The best Sunday School lesson I can prepare—the best music Pastor Benny can arrange—the best mission trip the congregation can organize—its just so much busy-work unless grounded before, during and after with prayer.
Did you hear Mrs. Cindy Starr in the baptism video of young Miles Robinson say to the Dad “What an answer to your biggest prayer!” I bet I’m not the only one touched by that. Did you hear Pastor Jason say “do you know anyone ever saved without earnest prayer from others who love them?” Did you see Pastor Jason point to a lady in the 8:00 am service and say “she just told me that she knows you’ve been praying for her. Are you aware of the times people have been praying for you?” I know I’ve had people in my life who love me, who were worried about me who spent their precious prayer time earnestly entreating God for my sake. I know it. And I know I’m not often praying for others, the way I know others have prayed for me.
God convicted me with Pastor Jason’s words about the amount of fear and anger I’ve wasted on the economy and government compared with how much I’ve prayed. I’ve been worried about what the Federal Reserve might do instead of waiting for what the Father will do. I’ve been afraid of what Congress is doing instead of resting in what God has done.
God convicted me of these things and I’m responding by asking Him to help me pray aright. I’m asking Him to help me commit to praying not just for my family’s health but for our relationship with Him. I’m committing to praying not just for my pastors but for our congregation—not just for our nation’s economy but for her spiritual revival—for her salvation.
And I’m asking you for something. Sincerely asking. Please pray for the Children’s Ministry. There are so many at Living Hope who volunteer to teach the children who come here. They love it. They are very intentional about it. Frankly, they are good at it. Statistically the best chance of reaching anyone with the good news of Jesus Christ is while they are young. Pray that God will continue to save children through this ministry. Pray that the volunteers will be energized and empowered by His Holy Spirit. Pray that the children saved here will grow and mature and persevere and tell others. Pray that each of us will trust and obey.
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