Charles Fortney has been a follower of Christ for more than 40 years, having come to faith in Christ following the calling of the Holy Spirit after viewing a Billy Graham film at a local theater in his hometown of Kenosha, Wisconsin. Service through the local church is a key to his walk, beginning as a congregational song leader and serving as a teacher of children, youth and adults for many years. Charles is an ordained deacon through Living Hope and has served as an elder for the past 10 years. He currently teaches in the Middle School ministry. Charles and Connie have been members of Living Hope for 19 years and are the parents of Stephen and Casey Fortney. He co-owns an occupational health business based in Bowling Green.
What a journey! Earth is being move and parking for Sunday morning worship is going to be a completely different adventure in a couple of weeks. Exposed ugly rock, caution tape and ripped-up blacktop now litter the grounds around both the Living Hope and Holy Spirit buildings. We’re learning a lot about the nature of God. As we read often in scripture, following God’s plan involves a great deal of patience and sometimes following a winding path. What is promised to us is God’s presence and leadership. Just think, by 2010 (if we stay on schedule), our square footage will be doubled with the opportunity to host such ministries such as Upward Bound basketball, fellowship dinners where a majority of Living Hope can gather and more educational space. Our student and college ministries will have space in what is now the Holy Spirit buildings for Bible studies, discipleship groups, fun activities and worship.
This may be the best time to be part of the family of Living Hope. It comes with great responsibility. If this additional space is only used for what we can only see now, we are missing a potential blessing.
Untold hundreds and perhaps thousands of future generations will be impacted by the ministries this expanded facility will allow us to deliver to our community, this region and even the world. Your family and mine may not see an immediate result from expanded facilities, but this really should not be about us – any of us, whatever stage of life find ourselves. Our faithfulness will never be measured in the number or size of buildings we can build, it is in the love of Christ we demonstrate to others. Buildings are only tools that allow us to provide ministry. Prepare yourselves for the next steps on this journey!
Charles Fortney
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