Emily Cassetty has been calling Living Hope home for about twelve years. She came to know Christ as a teenager in the youth group at Living Hope and was baptized at Living Hope as well. She met her husband Matt at Living HOpe and they both dearly love raising their children within this church family. Emily has served everywhere from the church nursery to preschool to Financial Peace University in the past and currently serve in the high school ministry, with the women's ministry leadership team, and she leads a women's Bible study on Thursday evenings. Emily and Matt also adore their small group that we have been apart of for three years now. They both rejoice at how the Living Hope Body of Christ has loved them so well, given them so much, and walked alongside them through the happiest and most devastating times of their life and they are just grateful to be able to give back in any way we can!
As the worship hour began today, a video was played featuring a brother in Christ sharing his testimony of what his small group means to him. I was nodding in agreement with his every word, as my mind filled with images of all the times our small group has blessed us and rallied around us closer than brothers. Although my husband and I met in the youth group many years ago here at Living Hope, I am not sure we understood the concept of a true church family until we joined our small group in 2005. In the almost four years we have spent together, our group has endured the high highs of new babies, job promotions, cured illnesses, and baptisms. We have also weathered the low lows of scary medical diagnoses, funerals, grief, and financial strain. In times when true extended family either could not or would not come alongside, our group has held together as the body of Christ, meeting whatever needs we can and consistently standing in the gap in prayer for one another.
I looked around our church this morning and wondered how many of our brothers and sisters do not yet know the blessing of being plugged into a small group, ABF, or Bible study. I am so excited about all the new small groups and studies that are available to those who might feel as disconnected as we did in those years before we took the leap of faith to step out of our comfort zone and into the homes of fellow believers, that we might grow in Christ and give to others. Last fall, I had the incredible privilege of leading a women's Bible study for the first time. At first, I was more than a little intimidated by the task set before me. But now, I cannot imagine my Thursdays without my sisters. It is such a precious gift, each semester, to witness the transformation as our little group of women becomes less like strangers and more like sisters. We, too, share our highs and our lows, as we seek God's voice together. As iron sharpens iron, we challenge each other to draw closer to Christ and to press on in our individual pursuit of His glory. For just a little while, once the work day is done, the children are fed and the family is settled for the evening, we have the incredible privilege of coming together as women simply seeking their God. Some work outside the home, some do not. Some are married, some are not. Some are mothers of small children, some have never had children, and others are adjusting to life with an empty nest. No job title or phase in life defines us on Thursdays. We are just sisters sharing the hope that's been given to us.
Perhaps our nation's economic state has you worried or maybe you've lost someone you loved or maybe, just maybe this is actually a very joyful season for you. Wouldn't you like to have a family to share that with? There are small groups, Bible studies, and Adult Bible fellowships designed for your specific place in life. It won't be the same without you! It is awesome to see our physical building expand, but I cannot imagine that anything would delight the heart of God more than seeing an actual body of believers grow and come together in His name. Sunday mornings are great, it's true. But the church has so much more to offer than a single hour of music and truth! Your family is waiting for you. Come, be the church and witness tihe awesome power of the body of Christ working together. That is where change begins. That is where true hope comes from. Living Hope.
My wife and I couldn’t agree more with you. We absolutely love our small group. It’s been so encouraging to get to know, and love, such kind and genuine people. We all seem to have the same goals and fears, and it’s so wonderful to receive their comfort and prayers.
Our small group met this past Saturday. On Sunday, my wife and I were already mentioning to one another that the next get-together (only two weeks) seemed like such a long time away. We really enjoy our small group’s company and we feel we’re growing in Christ!
It has been a great blessing to mature in Christ alongside one another as God takes each of us along the path of life. Sharing life together is encouraging and sanctifying. It is difficult to imagine going through struggles without our small group family.
Let us keep, "encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."
Heb 10:25
Hi Emily,
Small group is about drawing others in for discipleship, encouragement, accountability, relationships, prayer and so much more. As you connect to a small group or ABF or Bible Study you have the opportunity to grow in your relationship with Christ through study and prayer. Also, you have the blessings to draw into a deeper relationship with a body of believers.
I praise God for how He has grown me through bible study with other believers as He has revealed much to me!! Furthermore, I thank Him for my brothers and sisters in Christ where He has built relationships! Much like Chad said in his post, I also look forward with exciting anticipation of small group time!!
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